Monday, September 28, 2009

RAVE - A Day At The Beach

Was it The Pope who said "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco"? It might've been, seeing as everyone from Oscar Wilde to Mark Twain has been credited with that zinger.

What they DON'T tell you is that after the alleged summer has gone, during autumn (and even winter) the ozone layer opens up and we're treated to warm days and nights.

Hence, wheretofore and thusly, yesterday we deposited ourselves onto Dunes Beach, at Half Moon Bay, 20 miles south of San Francisco. While admiring the surfers for their skill and resolve - the sea NEVER warms up off our coast - I buried Pavey up to her armpits in the sand and was able to give her a playful slap without fear of reciprocation ;)

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