Saturday, November 14, 2009

REVIEW - Pirate Radio (aka The Boat That Rocked)

A good film, but.

I'd been looking forward for months to see this movie, having to wait for its US release for what seemed ages after it got its UK release under the original "Boat That Rocked" monicker. I'd been hoping for a kick-ass soundtrack, rib-tickling dialog and lashings of nostalgia.

I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg (which wasn't a pirate station), because even though it broadcast from further away, the signal was marginally better than Radio Caroline, on which this story is loosely based. I even used to listen to French radio when studying for French exams, in the lame hope that I could get used to conversational French. None of these scratchy, barely perceptible broadcasts was worth the effort.

Nevertheless, I was aching to see this movie. And therefore, it was doomed to be a let-down.

The main problem I had was that the theater - the otherwise excellent Kabuki (reserved, ultra-comfy seats, bar and an intelligent audience devoid of the intolerable cell-phone flashing and chattering wankers you get elsewhere in the City) has a less-than-stellar sound system. If you can see this film somewhere with great sound TURNED WAY UP, then I urge you to do that. The Kabuki didn't do justice to all the great music.

The cast seemed to be having fun - with Rhys Ifans looking like a blond Noel Gallagher, and the always marvelous Philip Seymour Hoffman not having to exert himself too much. But where it should have zinged, the humor was a bit strained, barely masking a weak script.

Maybe I'll just download the soundtrack, and turn it up to 11.

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