Tuesday, November 16, 2010

RAVE - The Girl Who Played With Fire

Second in the "Girl who .." series, after Ms Dragon Tattoo, and possibly an even better story and movie.

Unlike Dragon Tattoo, this one's not particularly centered on journalist and only semi-professional investigator Mikael Blomkvist. And unlike Hollywood, it concentrates on the story, not just the 'star'.

The main storyline is simple, focusing on how Lisbeth Sander is implicated in a murder, and she and Blomkvist try to un-implicate her while tracking down the real culprit. That story is peeled back like the layers of an onion, and at a perfect pace.

Strange that old bearded guy was helpless, being spoon fed his dinner, yet later he was up and about, gesticulating with his formerly useless hands.

As I wondered after seeing Girl with a Dragon Tattoo .... how will Daniel Craig work out as Blomkvist in the Hollywood version (currently being filmed, mostly in Sweden) coming up in 2011?

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