Sunday, January 23, 2011

REVIEW - Open Water 2: Adrift

I can remember the first Open Water movie. It caused a bit of a stir at the time (no pun intended). It was an allegedly true story of a couple of scuba divers abandoned when their dive boat left them at sea. I sat in the front row and kept pulling my feet in as the sharks circled.

This second installment concerns a group of 6 friends and a baby taking a yacht out of a Mexican resort. Poor planning and stupidity - traits that stick with them throughout - lead to them all jumping in the water with no ladder extended to help them back on board.

As they spend the next day or so attempting to find a way out of the water, the baby screams away in one of the cabins. If that's not annoying enough, they make mistake after mistake, so much so that you just want to jump in with them, bang their heads together and tell them to focus.

An interesting story and challenge, if a bit frustrating in the way they address that challenge.

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