Friday, December 2, 2011

RAVE - 5 Days of War

It's a shame that Val Kilmer's star has drooped so low that all of his work now goes straight to DVD.

This latest concerns the brief conflict between Russia and Georgia (South Ossettia to be exact) in 2008. 

It's all very complicated, with Ossettia attempting to break away from Georgia, which had already broken away from Russia, and Russia invading South Ossettia / Georgia to protect its oil interests. The various message boards on are littered with Russians making claims about unprovoked attacks from Georgia, Georgians making claims about unprovoked attacks from Russia, and everyone claiming this movie is an inaccurate mess of propaganda.

An inaccurate piece of propaganda it may be, but it's still gripping, and an easy way to get a perhaps skewed insight into a recent conflict.

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