Thursday, March 10, 2011

RAVE - The Adjustment Bureau

Despite being advertised as a thriller, this is a love story, and a bit of a fairy-tale one at that.

Based on a Philip K. Dick short story. 9 of Dick's stories have been made into movies, including Blade Runner, Minority Report, and A Scanner Darkly.

This one's about Fate, and how The Adjustment Bureau (angels, basically) follow certain subjects and do things to keep people on the path to which they're fated.

Matt Damon is a politician who meets and falls in love with Emily Blunt, a dancer and choreographer. Trouble is, they're not fated to stay together, so The Bureau keeps interfering to break them up and keep them apart.

I couldn't give away the happy ending - oops, I've done it.

So, despite it being a fairy-tale love story, it's a great story and a well-made film.

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