Thursday, September 15, 2011

RAVE - Contagion

The 'rave' is in recognition of the quality of the movie, not because it's great - it's not particularly exciting, or thrilling; it's not even that suspenseful. 

It's a perfectly made account of the spread of a deadly virus - there's no romance angle, no chase, no explosions, no big star performances, and even the closing sequence - where the source of the virus is revealed - is just a "so what?" moment. 

Strange that with all those negatives, or non-events, the overall product was so good and tight. 

I have to call out Jude Law. While his acting was solid as usual, why oh why pick an Englishman to play an Australian? Heaven knows there are enough Australian actors available - they're usually playing the English roles in every 'historic' movie. He played a pseudo journalist who drew this criticism from Elliot Gould's character: "Blogging is not writing. It's graffiti with punctuation". 


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