Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RAVE - Barry Munday

This is a grower.

The notion, that lame womanizer Barry Munday innocently accompanies a woman to the movies, gets attacked by the girl's father brandishing a trumpet, and wakes up in hospital having had his testicles surgically removed, all seems a bit pointless at first.

The apparent pointlessness continues when another woman accuses him of fathering her yet-to-be-born child, a woman he has no recollection of ever meeting, let alone sleeping with.

But as Munday clumsily but caringly accepts his responsibility, getting to know the woman and her family, attending pre-natal classes, and then the birth, you'll find yourself gaining respect, and then a keen liking for his character.

Doesn't sound like much of a comedy, does it? But this indie, no-big-star production is funny awkward, and eventually rewarding.

Not a big date night movie, but as it's now out on Netflix streaming, a not too difficult choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this movie is funny and sweet by the end. However, it's one of those movies if you watch twice you will think it hilarious - believe me.

I can see this movie having a cult following eventually.

it's based on a book called Life is a Strange Place by Frank Hollon.