Friday, January 7, 2011

RAVE - England win cricket's Ashes Tournament

What better time to get on my Roku player, so I can watch England retain the Ashes in Australia.

Warning to American readers: you'll not understand much of this post, and if you did, you wouldn't care. 

This tournament is to Americans the sporting equivalent of Billy Bob Jug Ears beating Clint Whiskers in a Monster Truck drive-off in Rust Bowl, Tennessee.

The fact that cricket's rules might as well be written in sanskrit, and the point of the game is just as obscure, means that cricket on American TV is as rare as rocking horse poo.

And for all you Freudian Stanley Cup fans, The Ashes refer to the ashes of a cricket stump allegedly burned after Australia beat England in 1882. 

As you can see from the pictures, the cricket trophy is miniscule, and clearly Stanley Cup fans have serious psychological problems in the trouser department.

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