Wednesday, April 28, 2010

REVIEW - The Trotsky

Another of a slew of "Festival" movies just released, this one is the official selection of the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival.

It's like a more intelligent but less funny Napoleon Dynamite. 

Leon Bronstein claims and acts like he's the reincarnation of Leon Trotsky. As is his destiny, he sets about trying to unionize the workers at his father's factory, then after enrolling at West Montreal high school and finding out how plain mean the head teacher and principal are, he campaigns for a student union to be set up.

And it's not one of those student unions that primarily plan events where alcohol is freely available - this one exists to bring down the "fascist' school board and give the students a say in their schooling.

See, I said it was less funny than Napoleon Dynamite, but it's a deep cut above the bilge that is The Joneses, Bounty Hunter, et bloody al.

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