Saturday, June 5, 2010

RAVE - La Mission

This is an engrossing film about mostly Latino family life in the Mission district in San Francisco, specifically around 24th and Mission Streets.

Having lived a few blocks from there for the first 6 years after moving from London, I was naturally interested in this story from the 'hood, as was the rest of the very sympathetic audience at one of the tiny theaters at Opera Plaza.

By "sympathetic" I mean they smiled at all the romantic bits, sighed at all the heartfelt bits, laughed rather too enthusiastically at the funny bits.

All of this added to the atmosphere, rather than got in the way.

Benjamin Bratt was probably better tricked out than most of my ex-neighbors, and I never remember seeing the gorgeous low-riders he and his friends cruised around in, but the movie made me appreciate more than ever the traditional values brought into the City by families from Central and South America.

A warm and enjoyable story, and not a bit slushy. Highly recommended.

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