Sunday, July 31, 2011

RAVE: Trust

I shouldn't really post this review, as my lovely wife wanted to see this movie and now, with her out of the country, I saw it single.

Of course, her motives for wanting to see it - the fact that it starred Clive Owen - were entirely different to mine. I think Mr. Owen has aged badly over the last 13 years, since appearing as a suave Croupier, but there's not a shred of jealousy in that observation. Honest.

Trust tells the story of Owen's daughter, who is stalked by a texter who turns out to be much older than her 14 years. The family is torn apart when the inevitable happens, and thereafter divides its time between how father and daughter deal with the aftermath.

Now, I regularly diss Hollywood endings, but strangely, this movie would have been perfect if it had a Mel Gibson-style 'wronged daughter blasts offender with sawn-off shotgun' styled conclusion. It doesn't, but it's still an excellent film.

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