Friday, July 15, 2011

REVIEW - The Other Man's Grass is Spotify

I know it's only been available for a day or so in the US, but surely covers are there in order for us to judge books by them - or something like that.

There's been a lot of noise over the past couple of years about Spotify, the UK's equivalent of, and "why oh why can't we get it over here in the USA?" Of course, there's been equivalent reverse whining - "why oh why can't we get Pandora here in Europe?"

It all reminds me of that viral email going around a few years back, with a photo of some hot babe along with the banner: It doesn't matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere, is sick of her s**t.

Same here, with the salivating over Spotify. 

In the US, it's only available to invitees for now, but if you don't have one and can't wait, there are instructions at describing how to do an end run around those restrictions.

Is it worth it all?

Well, aside from being able to factor your local music files into playlists along with those from Spotify, I don't see anything better in Spotify. In fact, the ads that litter the free version seem to be much more frequent and intrusive than the equivalent from Pandora.

I think I'll go and get my "Meh" tee-shirt out of the closet.

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