Friday, July 29, 2011

RANT - Budget Deficit

I'm no economist.

There, with that off my chest, I can rant.

Today's news that Apple Corp has more available cash than the USA should disgust anyone who has to put up with the daily bickering of adult men and women on both sides of the political Ultimate Fighting cage.

Apple now has more cash to spend than the United States government.

Latest figures from the US Treasury Department show that the country has an operating cash balance of $73.7bn (£45.3bn)

Apple's last financial statement put its reserves at $76.4bn.

The rest of the story drones on about the latest dull war of dull words by the dull government on blah, blah, blah.

Why doesn't the US Government just buy Apple, focus on launching the next generation iPhone and iPad, and shut down for the rest of the year? Or decade?

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