Wednesday, September 21, 2011

REVIEW - Detective Dee

The full title: Detective Dee and The Mystery of The Phantom Flame, is both too long to use in my review title, and too Harry Potterish to properly categorize the film.

This is an LSD trip of a movie, and not in an altogether good way. It's well made, well shot, and well intentioned. I think. I can't say that it's well acted though, as there are too many unintentionally funny (i.e. silly) sequences, as so often appear in this genre.

The dialog drags on a bit. I'm not saying I only enjoy these pseudo martial arts movies for the action, but this one just had too much pointless talking and not enough action.

Whoever described it as Crouching Tiger Meets Sherlock Holmes got it close in some respects, but inflates Detective Dee way too much.

So, one for the enthusiasts, rather than Joe Public.

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