Saturday, July 24, 2010

RANT - The Oxford Murders

I already knew it was impossible to watch Elijah Wood in a movie other than LoTR without thinking of Frodo; and it's even worse if he's cavorting on a bed with a female co-star and the wimpy hobbit springs to mind.

I hadn't realized that it was equally impossible to watch John Hurt without thinking of Elephant Man or Alien.

With these two in The Oxford Murders, it meant something WAS actually happening, even if it was only in my mind, and not in the movie itself.

The film was a crushingly dull, sleep-inducing re-hash of every episode of Inspector Morse, with some Fibonnaci and Foucault thrown in there in a vain attempt to make it interesting. It didn't work.

The main story - of a serial killer in Oxford - was  not well-enough delivered to counter the deadly dull investigation into an elusive mathematical problem by the Hurt-Wood combo.

Math was dull at school, and remains dull to this day at Chateau Page.

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