Thursday, July 29, 2010

RANT - Europa League Football

Will someone tell me where Molde is? I thought not.

I've no idea where Elfsborg or Teteks hail from either, but the former put 5 goals past the latter yesterday.

It must be just as bad for European football fans:
"Wo ist Bangor City?", or
"Dove diavolo รจ Motherwell?"

Why do I ask? Liverpool are playing Rabotnicki Skopje today. If they lose or draw, I'm going to have to find something worse than a RANT!

Here's a typical scene from their (tee hee) stadium.

Such are the vagaries of playing in the Europa League. Not only do you lose out on all that lovely money gushing in from the Champions League, but you have to play against teams your Dad's never heard of.

Should Liverpool squeak a win against Rabotnicki today, no-one will know whether they've just achieved the footballing equivalent of climbing Everest, or beaten a team of under-fifteens from the spinal injury ward of a provincial Russian hospital.

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