Saturday, July 3, 2010

RAVE - South American "stars" dumped out of World Cup

So much for the "experts" who proclaimed earlier this week that "South American teams now dominate the World Cup".

Netherlands overcame Brazil, Germany thumped Argentina, and today Spain showed Paraguay the way home. All that's left now is for the Dutch to send Uruguay packing, and it'll be an all-European final.

What we've learned - and I hope I'm not being unfair here - is that the further south you go for your football, the more gesticulating, protesting, diving and writhing you employ.

It was shocking to see how, once they weren't ahead, the Brazilians turned dirty and ugly. It was also a salutary reminder to the flashy Latin American teams that fancy skills are nothing if there's no disciplined team play.

It also meant my chances of winning the ESPN web competition are blown away, seeing as I predicted a Spain versus Brazil final. Shows what I know.

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