Monday, June 13, 2011

REVIEW - Super 8

Looking at some of the reviews of Super 8, you'd be duped into believing it's an almost perfect movie.

The JJ Abrams-directed, Steven Spielberg-produced film surprised me by being more kid-centric than I expected. That centricity manifested itself in the loud, uncomplicated action, but - on the negative side - by inconsistencies and plot holes big enough to swallow the huge train wreck near the start of the film.

Overall, it was fun, but we spent the post-movie hour at Mel's Diner arguing about the shabby lack of attention to the more obviously flaky details.

I can't explain in any more detail without giving away the entire plot, so you'll just have to see it, and explain what the bloody point was in collecting all the debris from the train wreck, when all that was needed was to suck up all the refrigerators and cookers to the top of an old water tower.

There, I've given it all away now!

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