Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RAVE - Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n Roll

Before you go rushing off to the authorities to report my confession, while I do enjoy the occasional romantic dinner, sometimes take aspirin for a headache, and really understand what New Kids on the Block mean when they sing Grown Man, here I'm applauding the movie based on Ian Dury's rise to fame as the front man for The Blockheads.

Andy Serkis delivers an outstanding performance, and while any number of actors could have been wired up to play Gollum or King Kong, ONLY Serkis could do Ian Dury. The likeness is uncanny, the voice is perfect, the tragic moves of a polio-stricken punk, I even had to double-check that it was Serkis singing and not miming to the original songs.

Maybe these are the musings of a huge fan, but the film is now available on demand, so trim your sideburns into points, apply some dark makeup around your eyes, fill your mouth full of gravel and sing along.

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