Wednesday, May 9, 2012

RANT - Travellers

A British film about four friends on a motorcycle adventure weekend.

They camp in a field and wake up in the morning to find an apparently abandoned caravan parked nearby. One of the friends has handily brought along suitable "adventure" gear - a rifle and a hunting knife. He tags the caravan with "Piky scum". 

"Pikey" is a UK slang term for "Traveler". After pointing out the graffiti artist has spelled "Piky" wrong, they spot the returning family of travelers and leg it.

Within a few minutes, one of the bikers is killed, another is captured and left tied up in the caravan, and then it all goes pear shaped.

It suffers from a total lack of budget, although I don't know what they would have spent money on. 

As it is, it aspires to be Southern Comfort, or Deliverance, but misses the mark by so far it seems a shame to have grouped this disappointment in with those classics.

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