Monday, May 28, 2012

REVIEW - John Carter

If you find it hard to believe that Mars was once full of warring tribes, various types and color of creature, and the oxygen they all required to breathe, then this film will be a stretch.

If the film-makers didn't want to explore the likelihood or not of this situation, it shouldn't have jumped back and forth between Mars and late nineteenth century America. 

Then I remembered it's based on a book by Edgar Rice Burroughs, writer of Tarzan, The Land That Time Forgot, and many other stories involving life on Mars and Venus.

So, with those humbug credentials accepted, this could've been an Avatar.

Could've been, but wasn't. 

Just how Disney managed to turn this isn't a mammoth box-office loss is probably down to it being a bit juvenile. Sheesh, how can I say that, knowing that's just how 90% of super-hero movies are pitched. But there has to be some reason like that - the plot, and the script just weren't clever enough. 

All that money, all those effects, all that scope. Blown. Another Dune.

I wanted to like this - as did, I'd bet, most of the audience.

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