Sunday, March 4, 2012

REVIEW - Inkubus

The film starts out with a mother giving birth to a monster.

That monster makes an appearance a couple of scenes later as a murderer, and another couple of scenes later in the police station, turning in a severed head as evidence.

So, I guess he's the Inkubus.

Strangely, for all the weird stuff that surrounds this character - both in real life, superstition, and this movie, the movie itself is flat. 

Despite starring Robert "Freddie Kreuger" Englund as the Inkubus, the movie is flat.

All of this is mostly down to its penny-pinching budget and the consequential setting of this in a few dimly- or starkly-lit rooms in a police station. It seems that all of the money set aside for the writing, the effects, and the scenery was blown on the necessarily light hearted crew's closing party.

Anyhow, if you want to know what the after-life in Walmarts is like, get a ticket.

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