Sunday, December 5, 2010

RANT - All Good Things

Starring Ryan Gozzzzzzzzzzzzzling and Kirsten Dunstzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, this is a dull, dull, film.

In fact, it's as dull as a rusty bucket filled with rust.

Oh, stuff happens. In fact, there are a number of murders, money laundering, a slum(dog) millionaire, cross-dressing, family angst galore - but the story's told at a pace that would embarrass a snail.

The film boasts the directorial equivalent of minimalism.

No, strike that. There IS direction. At any point when the story veers dangerously close to action, the director slams on the brakes, calms everyone down, instructs them to talk even quieter, and then continues at half-speed.

Should've been called "All Good Things Taken Out".

Aside from that, it was fantastic!

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