Monday, August 30, 2010

RANT - She's Out Of My League

Hell, I don't watch this kind of mindless film! But when you're on a 10 hour flight your options are restricted.

Back down to earth with a bump, movie-wise, this is an inoffensive little film, offering absolutely no risk of strained muscles from rolling around laughing uncontrollably.

You all know the plot, so I won't cover it (and it's not worth covering anyway), but why oh why do producers pick English people to swagger on with dreadful American accents, when there are thousands of perfectly good and available American actors?

In this case, for some inexplicable reason they got Brit-cop Trevor Eve to play the hot girl's dad. It was such an unimportant role, any American could've done it.

It wasn't until the credits rolled that I realized how Trevor Eve got picked for the dad role. He IS her dad in real life ..... Alice Eve plays "hot" Molly.

I would've been disgusted if I'd been tricked into seeing this at the movies, but nodding off with it during a flight is just acceptable.

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