Friday, October 8, 2010

RAVE - The Social Network

There have been a number of movies dealing with the breakneck development of tech start-ups ... they're usually interesting because living here in Northern California, downwind of the phenomenon, you've been part of one, used their beta software, or seen them boil, implode and fry, or all of the above.

In many respects Facebook is no different than the rest ... so what if it's bigger than earlier communities? In a couple years it'll be just like MySpace, full of hangers-on, geriatric adopters and decaying pages.

Facebook itself long ago ceased to be a useful tool for networking, crossing over instead to a downright annoying pain in the ass - a place full of mostly worthless, often inane, usually stupid rubbish. 

What's that? Why beat around the bush Philip?

The film though, was definitely not worthless, inane or stupid, It was sharply written, well-paced and finely acted.

The film makes a good case for Zuckerberg having stolen the original idea for Facebook; paints him (or more aptly, gives him the aerosol cans for him to paint himself) as an asshole, shows the laughably-named Winkelvoss twins to be 6 foot five inch, 240 pound dispsticks, and reveals Napster founder and Facebook bandwagoneer Sean Parker to be an all around sleazebag. There, has that insulted enough billionaires for you?

Twice in the movie the annoying little genius is cut further down to size by women. In the opening scenes, his newly-ex-girlfriend says "Mark, all through your life you'll wrongly think women don't like you because you're a nerd. But it'll be because you're an asshole".

And then, in the final scene, one of his female lawyers says "Mark, you're not an asshole, but you're trying so hard to be one".

A great film that leaves me thinking of that old schoolboy taunt "See you. Wouldn't wanna be you".

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