Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RANT - Advertising (part 2)

I knew there'd be more stuff to gripe about advertising-wise ....
8. Why are advertisers allowed to get away with saying something's "all new", when it patently is not. How can the 2010 Toyota Prius be "all new"? Would they have us believe that not one of the 27,000 parts in the 2009 version of the Prius made it into the 2010 version?

9. Eggland's Best - "and now with more Vitamin D". I checked their web site, and while they claim there's more Vitamin D in an Eggland's Best egg than there is in a regular egg, there's no basis whatsoever for them to say "and NOW with more ....". Whatever's in their eggs has been in there for some time, and doesn't warrant the "now" or "new" hype.

10. I've officially had it up to here with political ads. Meg Whitman, Barbara Boxer, Carly Fiorina, and Jerry Brown mean nothing to you unless you live in California or track washed up Silicon Valley and Oakland business-people. But boy do they ram their repetitive, virtually identical messages down our throats. I've never believed that the job (whatever it is) should go to the richest candidate, but that's basically what the American political system has come down to. The more ads you can afford to run, the more likely it is you'll get elected. Shameful!

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