Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RANT - Keep your paws off our food!

This important culinary news comes from Lawrence.

Scanning The Times as he carefully does every morning (surely you mean "reading the sports pages with bacon toastie in hand"?), he spotted this outrage:

I won't dwell on this, as:

a) It doesn't do my reputation as an immigrant much good if I'm always knocking the landlord
b) I don't want to lose my temper
c) It just makes me want a plate of fish and chips

Yes, there are one or two places here in San Francisco where one can partake of God's own food. Fish is one of those, in nearby Sausalito. But mostly, they're poor imitations of the real stuff. Either they fiddle around with other types of fish, rather than sticking with "proper" Cod. Or they fool with the batter. I like beer. Many Englishmen like beer. Does that mean we want "beer" batter on our fish? No, we don't. And whether it has beer in it or not, you're not supposed to have 3 times as much batter as you do fish, Mr. American Fish and Chip maker.

I'll let you follow the link and read the whole travesty of a mockery of an injustice, but here's a extract:

"A tangy vinegar-flavoured white powder called ‘Malt Salt’ sprinkled onto the traditional take-away food could be the solution to preventing the fish and chips from turning soggy, according to US food inventors Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow.

The last time I followed the advice of a US "food inventor" and tried his "tangy white powder" I tried to write my own rock opera and failed miserably.

And a much better way to prevent fish and chips from turning soggy is to eat the bloody stuff!

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