Saturday, November 28, 2009

RAVE - 18 holes at The Course at Wente Vineyards

The only other time I've sampled 18 of anything at a winery has been a wine tasting in Napa.

The 18 holes at the Wente course are good-looking and challenging, with lots of elevation change. The course stretches out between the hills and the vineyards, so the views are gorgeous, as you can see.

Yes, it rained for part of the round, but for most of the day it was warm-ish and wonderful.

The zig-zag path you see behind Lawrence is Wente's answer to Lombard Street, the alleged twistiest road in the world, in San Francisco. The Wente version is just as twisty, made even more interesting if you're in a rattling, side-less golf cart.

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