Wednesday, September 16, 2009

RANT - Cash for Gold ads

What is it with all these ads telling us to send our gold rings, bracelets and nick-nacks to some company we've never heard of? Most of these companies sound like scammers, smell like scammers and, if you research them online, are in fact alleged scammers.  
How is it that TV advertising has moved from plain old crushingly dull to outright punter-swindling?

There are a number of sites where ripoff-ees have left their "Disgusted, of Sudbury" posts, including this one.

Caveat emptor (which is Latin for "watch your ass").

1 comment:

Bill Eley said...

I can't believe they can actually advertise on tv. "Send us your gold and we promise we'll give you exactly what it's worth". Hopefully the Nigerians who come into a small fortune and want to share it with you won't find out that they can advertise...