Monday, September 27, 2010

RAVE - In the shade, at Muir Woods

This has been an unusually hot week in San Francisco. The kind of heat where you have to turn the air conditioning so high in the car that everyone complains they can't hear my music playing.

Er, wrong. They complain about my music AND the noise of the aircon.

What's a swimming-pool-less family to do when it gets this hot?

Turn the aircon up and ignore the complaints, switch to the Chill channel on Sirius, and head on over to Muir Woods.

While John Muir's namesake is normally damp and stinky, this weekend it was cool, dark and sweet smelling.

Of course, we still had to contend with tourists. My good friend George decided he wanted a tree to hug him, rather than the other way around (that's him, stood inside a giant redwood). 

Who said there was already enough "old growth" in the park?

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