Monday, October 20, 2014

RAVE - Kill The Messenger

Another true story turned into a movie, this one about a journalist working for the relatively small-time San Jose Mercury News uncovering the machinations of the CIA, who unbelievably helped a Nicaraguan drug cartel import and sell tons of Cocaine in the US during the 90s.

The CIA's misguided (i.e. criminal) involvement was driven by their need to help fund the Nicaraguan Contra rebels in their fight against their government's communist leanings. The fact that they did so by enabling the spread of crack use in America's largest cities was jaw-dropping in its ineptitude.

I remember taking my brother to see All The President's Men when it first came out and him shaking his head when we exited the theater saying "that was dull". Well Lawrence, my dear brother, Kill The Messenger bears a lot of that film's hallmarks, but it's definitely not dull.

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