Monday, October 6, 2014

RAVE - Gone Girl

I'm really in two - make it three minds about this latest film from Ben Affleck about a guy whose wife goes missing leaving him to suffer under the spotlight of police and TV investigation.

On the one hand it's a tense movie, full of tightly-wound characters that ooze menace, and a story that keeps you guessing long after the credits have rolled.

On the other, it's an unevenly-paced film that had me first of all wondering when something interesting was going to happen, then when it did thinking the film was about to end, to the final third where a lot happened without resolving many of the loose ends.

My third mind was occupied by the inane audience that, like so many I find in SF, seem to be unbalanced in their participation - laughing out loud at non-comedic moments, or screaming at non-scary ones.

But after all was said and done, our conversation on the way home was full of items that were left unresolved, with activities incomplete and the big question: "Did it all really happen, or was it all in his or her mind" left unanswered.

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