Wednesday, October 22, 2014

RANT - Her

A film for those who believe their lives are empty and meaningless, Joaquin Pheonix plays a nerd going through a divorce who has a "relationship" with his operating system.

Unlike most people who have a love hate relationship with their Windows O/S, this serves a a salutary reminder not to get in too deep with their otherwise enabling technology. "Apple fan boys" anyone?

Perhaps Phoenix's silver screen weaknesses are warning enough. Heaven knows his mustache, apparently ripped from Sonny Bono's face sometime in the 70s should be some indication of his lack of backbone.

Aside from standing by and waiting for the obvious disaster, there's little for the viewer to do as Phoenix bumbles through life as a letter writer - interesting that in a world where technologists can create super-intelligent operating systems there's still a need for people to write letters - frittering away his real life.

Not for the first time I was tempted to bludgeon the actor with his "smart" phone.

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