Monday, January 20, 2014

RAVE - Escamoles in Mexico City

Spending a week in Mexico City consisted of at least three hours every day bumping around in nose to tail traffic from meeting to meeting in a taxi, with the occasional respite of an interesting meal in the company of some fine hosts.

One such meal I was cajoled into trying last week was Escamoles, the larvae of ants harvested from the roots of the Agave tequila plant. Frankly, how they're harvested is hardly the point. They're ants eggs for heck's sake.

But surprise surprise (especially for those hosts who were certain I'd turn my nose up at these insects) they tasted great, and easy to eat once I'd pecked gingerly at the first spoonful. Apparently, they're best cooked in oil and butter, they look like small pieces of corn, and taste like nutty cottage cheese.

I don't believe they'll ever take the place of a good packet of smokey bacon crisps, but if I'm stranded in the Mexican desert any time, I'll know where to look for a snack.

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