Sunday, January 5, 2014

RAVE - Dallas Buyers Club

In 1985 Dallas, Matthew McConaughey is diagnosed with AIDS. He's a hard-drinking, hard-living racist Redneck, and a homophobe.

When he learns he only has a month to live, he tries to get into a drug trial program at his hospital, only to find supplies are short and he's not allowed into the program at all.

He researches the current state of drug treatments to find that the most successful is AZT, but it's still in its trial phase in the US. His search for a supply of AZT leads him to Mexico, where he is able to buy enough of the drug to treat himself, and a long line of similar patients back in the US.

He dodges drug-smuggling laws by setting up a buyers' club, where members pay to join but get their medicines for free.

McConaughey is so good in this role that its a shame to see him pop up in those occasional RomCom rubbish flicks he does because he so desperately needs the cash.

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