Friday, February 15, 2013

RAVE - Riofrio, Madrid

One of our less successful finds in Madrid, at least atmosphere-wise, where it had less of that than one can expect on the surface of the moon. 

Riofrio is a huge place of indistinct architectural heritage - too much glass, brass, and shiny, indiscriminate wood around to make out what era they were going for. The place seemed like it would happen at any moment but never quite did.

But at least the food was great, if not exactly as planned. I had the Jamon Croquetas, which I worked out using schoolboy Spanish meant Ham Croquettes. So far, so good. Then my Triangulos Cochin - which I translated as Triangles of Pork - turned out to be (and I should have guessed this) the only pork pieces that are naturally triangular - namely, ears!

Anyhow, I can testify that pig's ears taste fabulous. Cooked that is. Cooked crispy, with one side pork-cracklingly tasty, and the other side succulently porky. Now there's a description you're unlikely to find in this month's Bon Appetit magazine.

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