Thursday, April 23, 2015

RAVE - Ex Machina

"Not my kind of film" said Mrs P as we exited the theater. So we'll ignore her feedback shall we?

Mr P thought this was an excellent, and very different take on the perennial geek-meets-female-robot-and-everyone-wonders-if-they'll-ever-make-out story.

Our geek - a 26 year old programmer at BlueBook (a huge web search company) wins a competition to spend time at the mountain home of the company CEO. His time is to be spent conducting a Turing Test on a robot boasting the most developed artificial intelligence. The Turing Test is way of evaluating whether machines can think. The CEO is a mostly crazed genius, and the robot is a mostly hot babe.

"Ex Machina" comes from "Deus ex machina" (Latin: God from the machine) and refers to the mythological gods who were prone to visiting earth to meddle with earthly things. In this context, it  refers to the robot-creating CEO, who believes himself to be god-like.

Anyhow, our geek-meets-robot story develops with ominous overtones and - without giving too much away - it all goes artificial t*ts up at the end.

Definitely my kind of film.

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