Tuesday, April 14, 2015

RAVE - Belle & Sebastian at The Greek Theater

Preceded by quite possibly the dullest pair of support acts known to man, Belle and Sebastian performed a hectic set - for them - full of beloved tunes.

It was a hot Sunday early evening at the Greek. Not the ideal setting - if ever there was one - for a skinny dude in a black mini-dress and stockings. And costume wasn't the worst part of Perfumed Genius' act. His voice - a mournful moan; his backing band - about as lively as a dead battery; and his songs - not a whistle-worthy one in there, amounted to one hour completely wasted.

Like a touring limbo circus, Real Estate did all they could to perform a duller set than PG's. Usually, when I see 4 guitarists getting ready to perform, my anticipation rises. We were in for a disappointing next hour.

Which made the headliners an even more welcome sight. With an entourage of around 50 fans who'd responded via Facebook and were sat behind them on stage, a sextet of strings and horns, and the seven mostly full-time members of the band, the stage was pretty busy with a set choc full of singalong favorites.

However, when all was said and done, Tom and I would probably have wished for a few more decibels and bit more menace. After all, Belle and Sebastian are probably the softest thing out of Glasgow, a city more often associated with blood 'n guts than the fey tones of our lads.

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