Friday, December 5, 2014

RAVE - Foxcatcher

What makes this film Weird with a capital W is not the story - it's a true story and one that's told very modestly, stripped of any razzle-dazzle. No, what's truly weird are the actors.

Steve Carell - Anchorman, Date Night, The Office, etc. - is completely unrecognizable in looks, style, and delivery. Channing Tatum - Magic Mike, 21 & 22 Jump Street, White House Down, etc. - is relatively recognizable facially, but playing with the knuckle-dragging gait of a wrestler is nothing like his usual pretty boy self. And Mark Ruffalo - The Normal Heart, Zodiac, and other somewhat under the radar stuff - is equally cast out of type, as Tatum's brother, also an Olympic Gold Medal wrestler.

Carell plays mega-rich John Du Pont, who seems to have little to do but fret in the shadow of his mother. He decides to support the US Olympic wrestling team, initially by hosting Tatum and Ruffalo - the Shultz brothers - and their fellow wrestlers at Foxcatcher, his country estate and state-of-the-art  training facility. The team is preparing for the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Du Pont's strange character is played brilliantly by Carell, and his innate weirdness culminates in
tragedy for the group.

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