Friday, March 7, 2014

REVIEW - Stalingrad

An event as momentous as the battle of Stalingrad warranted something a little better than this - an overblown rehash of Hollywood's earlier attempts with a couple of romantic - and to my mind, pointless - diversions.

I may sound a little geriatric in saying so, but the movie was unbelievably LOUD. Part of that was because it was in San Francisco's IMAX theatre, where everything is cranked up to 11. Part of it was the subject matter. Just as you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, I guess it's hard to make a war movie without the requisite explosives.

Notwithstanding the noise and the romance - this Russian language version of the story of the Russian army versus Nazis failed to add anything to the much better Enemy At The Gates. If you haven't seen that excellent film, I suggest you rent it rather than trying to catch the latest Stalingrad.

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