Sunday, November 11, 2012

RAVE - Lincoln

Daniel Day-Lewis may be a great actor, but he's often self-important, and that can be said of Spielberg too. 

So you can almost guarantee a bucket-load of self-important bloat when you put DDL in a movie directed by Spielberg, about probably the most lauded of American Presidents, Abraham Lincoln.

But that bloat didn't get in the way of this film.

It may have been a story about Lincoln, but it was more the story of the vote for the abolition of slavery.  This was arguably the most important vote that the US house of representatives has ever had, and one salutary fact is that the vote was so close. It could have gone either way. It would have gone against the abolition of slavery, but for some Lincolnly shenanigans.

If it wasn't for this being such an important time in US history, and the story told so well, this would have been a tedious exercise.

Daniel Day-Lewis will undoubtedly win the Oscar for best actor based on this performance. He may be an old wind-bag, but he can definitely act.

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