Wednesday, June 13, 2012

RAVE - Prometheus

With Mrs P out of town, I was able to enjoy this film (she hates sci-fi) with Amo and Gareth. 

We were all wowed by Ridley Scott's latest - and best - Alien movie. At least, I think the others were wowed. We left a bit sharp-ish afterward, and didn't get much of a chance to discuss it. 

The story was perfectly set up - an engrossing first twenty minutes explained why Prometheus and it's crew were flying through space in search of our creators. Surprise, surprise, they wanted to be found, but for all the wrong reasons. 

This had everything you're looking for in a kick-ass sci-fi movie: atmosphere, visuals, excitement, and great, great monster aliens. 

What annoyed me throughout - aside from the pointless and distracting 3D glasses - was the stupidity of the crew. For example, they'd spent over two years in cryogenic suspension traveling to planet X, and no sooner do they land than they're hopping into space suits, racing off to the strange dome in the distance, entering that dome without a moment's planning, and before you know it they're up to their visors in alien goop.

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