Friday, June 29, 2012

RAVE - Chez Spencer

I had two things to celebrate last night.

First, my oldest friend from the UK - who has been living in Atlanta for the past 17 years or so - was visiting SF and we celebrated over dinner at this favorite haunt of mine. Which brings me to the second thing, which is more of an event than a celebration.

California's ban on foie gras comes into effect on Sunday. Say what you will about the cruelty, or otherwise, of force-feeding geese to engorge their livers, but a number of restaurants - Chez Spencer among them - has an Au Revoir Foie Gras tasting menu, featuring the dastardly but delectable meat in each of its 5 courses, including Foie Gras Ice Cream!

Paul had the truffled mushroom veloute parmesan crisp, the foie gras ‘Torchon’, with red berry compote and pain de compagne, the wood roasted Sturgeon Maitake, Honjemeji (Japanese mushroom), chanterelle and sauce bĂ©arnaise, and then some cheeses for good measure.

Meanwhile, I had the aforementioned foie gras tasting menu that, believe me, tasted pretty good. What a way to spend three and half hours of dinner.

Now I'll have to wait too long to see Paul again, and perhaps even longer until that foie gras ban is repealed.

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