Friday, January 1, 2010

REVOLTING - Arachnophobia

All of my anti-arachnid feelings exploded to the surface when I read this story tonight:

In February 2009, a guy visited a hospital in Leeds, England, after enduring three weeks of a red, watery and light-sensitive eye. Doctors prescribed antibiotics for what they thought was a case of conjunctivitis, but they didn't work.

When doctors examined the eye under high-magnification they spotted hair-like projections sticking into the cornea of the guy's right eye.

It turns out he had spider hairs stuck in his eye, shot there by his pet tarantula. Doctors are now advising wearing eye protection when handling your pet spider.

I've got a better idea. DON'T KEEP NASTY, POISONOUS PET SPIDERS. Same thing if you get bitten by your pet alligator. Don't. Keep. Dangerous. Animals. At. Home.

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