Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RAVE - Walking the Amazon

Somewhere near the top of my list of things I should've done when I was younger and fitter, along with "Learn to play like my namesake Jimmy Page, form a band and live the life of a rock star", is "explore the Amazon".

Former British Army Captain Ed Stafford is 574 664 days into his attempt to walk the length of the Amazon, from its source to its mouth, a superhuman feat that he expects to complete August 2010.

The trip began April 2, 2008, but Stafford and his initial traveling companion, Luke Collyer argued over an iPod some way into the expedition, and Collyer buggered off back to England.

Stories like this, and watching The Amazing Race, make me wonder if Pavey and I would make it out of the parking lot to the riverside without arguing about whether our cats had been left enough food, and one of us packing it in.

Witty captions are invited for the picture above, and before Roger quips "is that an Anaconda in your backpack, or are you just pleased to see me?", I've got that one.

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