Monday, March 4, 2013

REVIEW - Side Effects

Directed by the normally-reliable Steven Soderbergh (Contagion, The Informant, Traffic, Oceans 11, 12 and 13 etc etc) this one seemed as though he was determined to stay in second gear. It felt like a "made for Lifetime TV" movie, rather than a "blockbuster" starring Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

And the audience - which revealed it's true colors when the all-too-predictable husband-stabbing incident was met with gasps and screams of shock and horror - made up of Lifetime TV movie officianados was clearly the target of this Dr. Oz-paced, middle-of-the-road mush.

The story - which could and should have been so much more - concerned a wife who took a series of prescribed medications to fix her professed depression and sleep-walking. When she stabs and kills her husband the ensuing court case pits doctor Jude Law against her former doctor Zeta-Jones, and the drug company with which both were partnered.

Much hand-wringing and ass-covering ensues, all with little suspense, until the dastardly plot is uncovered. Yawn.

At least it proved that:

- Channing Tatum is talent-less
- Rooney Mara is virtually un-recognizable with her eyebrows attached (she appeared eyebrow-less in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)
- Catherine Zeta-Jones is turning into an ice-maiden
- Jude Law does a good impression of Tim Nice-but-Dim

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