Tuesday, March 12, 2013

RAVE - Seaplane Adventure

One of the benefits of having a birthday, at whatever age, is the chance of a great surprise, whether it takes the form of a meal with your loved one, or - as was true today - it appears seaplane-shaped. 

Pavey organized for us to get a tour of the skies above San Francisco, in a seaplane flown by our pilot Dave, from Seaplane Adventures of Marin.

This wasn't our first flight in a seaplane, but it certainly was the most dramatic. 

We took off from beside a wharf in Marin, to the North of Golden Gate Bridge, flew out over Stinson Beach and South into the bay. 

We flew right over the Golden Gate, then around Alcatraz and in over the Palace of Fine Arts and the northern end of GG Park. Then we had a fabulous view of the City - the sky was perfectly clear and blue - buzzed our house on Potrero Hill and then back up to Marin.

It was - despite the previous night's special dinner - the high spot of the birthday weekend - in more ways than one. 

Sheesh. That line's right out of a travelog.
Despite the flowery language, this trip was a real treat, and one that I can thoroughly recommend.

"Thank you, thank you" to my lovely wife.

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