Tuesday, August 28, 2012

REVIEW - Drive

Much as I want to, I can't bring myself to give this a RAVE. It wasn't a movie for fans of car chases. In that respect, it was a bit like having a film called Bullfighter, dealing with the private life of a matador, completely outside of the bull ring. 

In this film, Ryan Gosling plays a film stunt driver - of which you see a scant 5 seconds of him in action - who has a day job as an auto mechanic and a night job driving for criminals.

His all-too-slow private life sees him hook up with a neighbor who's husband is soon to get out of prison. When he does, Gosling agrees to drive him on one last job.

Needless to say, that job goes pear-shaped and much messy killing ensues.

But none of it manages to pull the characters or the film up by their boot straps, and the overriding feeling your left with is one of disappointment.

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