Tuesday, July 31, 2012

RANT - The Dark Knight Rises

I wasn't exactly dragged kicking and screaming to see this, but I wasn't enthusiastic at the notion either.

To say I'm not a fan of juvenile comic books, and the overblown films made from them, would be an understatement as big as some of the explosions their directors seem to find unavoidable. 

And my dislike is not the product of a miserable disposition caused by advancing years or gout. Ever since I was 12 years old and my father owned a store that sold, among other things, newspapers and magazines, I used to work and hang out at the store reading every comic available. And even then, the ridiculousness of grown men who manage to render themselves unrecognizable to their closest friends simply by taking their glasses off was not lost on me.

So, with all of that prejudice weighing me down, I went to see The Dark Knight Rises.

With this kind of film, you're not really expecting, or looking for a complex story, or plot twists. Instead, the audience is waiting for pulsating action, cool effects, and sinister villains.

And so it was. So it ever was.

This was a mind-numbingly dull film, played at maximum volume with minimum subtlety. Clearly I'm not the target audience. The numbskull two rows back, who kept gasping at all the effects, and non-shocking turns - he and his pals were the target audience.

And they're welcome to this dud.

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